viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

"The Giver" Chapter 9-11

Chapter 9:
After the Ceremony, Jonas feels lonely and senses that people have begun to think of him differently. Dinner is quiet for the most part, although Lily talks about how she will begin volunteering at the Nurturing Center tomorrow, since she has learned a lot from Gabriel, although she remembers that she is not supposed to know his name. Jonas's parents tell him that being The Receiver is the most important assignment in the community, even more important than the job of making Assignments. They remember the Ceremony of Twelve for the previous Receiver, but her name has been prohibited to say, which is the highest disgrace for a name. They say that they do not know what happened to her, but his mother tells him that Jonas has been greatly honored.Before he goes to bed, Jonas reads his folder with instructions. The sheet informs him that as The Receiver of Memory in training, he should go directly from school to the Annex behind the House of the Old each day and then head directly home after Training Hours. It also exempts him from rules regarding rudeness and allows him to ask any question of anyone and expect the truth. However, it prohibits him from discussing his training with anyone, telling his dreams, asking for any medication related to his training, and applying for release. Finally, it tells him that he is allowed to lie. He is startled by the final rule, which goes against all that he has been taught about language precision and not exaggerating. He wonders if all adults are allowed to lie, but he cannot confirm what the others have been told.
Chapter 10:
Jonas accompanies Fiona to the House of the Old, since the Annex is behind the house. When Jonas gets to the Annex, the attendant unlocks a door and allows him to enter, explaining that the locks are to ensure his privacy. The Receiver's living space is more luxurious than others´ dwellings and has thousands of books, unlike other households which only have a dictionary, a volume describing everything in the community, and the Book of Rules.The Receiver welcomes Jonas telling him that he has been The Receiver for a long time, although he is less old than he looks, and that it will require his remaining strength to train Jonas. He explains that his task is to transmit his memories of the past to Jonas, who does not understand why it is so important that The Receiver tells him his memories. The Receiver tells him that his memories are those of the whole world, including previous generations and those from Elsewhere outside of the community. Experiencing the memories gives him wisdom but weighs on him terribly, he gives as an example riding on a sled downhill. Realizing that Jonas does not understand the meaning of terms such as snow, sled, runners, and downhill he decides to transmit him the memory of snow by placing his hands on Jonas´ back.
Chapter 11: 
After a moment of feeling nothing, Jonas shivers and realizes that the air is cold, while he can no longer feel the Receiver's hands on his back. For the first time, he experiences snow, and while part of him is still in the Annex, another part of him is sitting on a sled on top of a hill. Although he has never seen a hill before, he perceives its name. While he slides downhill he enjoys the feeling.  At the end of the ride, the sled slows, and although he pushes to keep sliding, the snow that has built up stops him. Opening his eyes, Jonas finds himself back on the bed in the Annex. Jonas says he feels surprised by the experience, while The Receiver feels a little relieved to have the tiny weight of the memory off his mind. Jonas feels bad at having taken such a joyful memory away from him, but The Receiver explains that he has many more.Jonas asks how long ago the memory was and why the things in the memory no longer exist. He learns that the memory is from the distant past and that Climate Control and landscape adjustments got rid of snow and hills in order to make transportation and agriculture easier. Now, instead, the community has Sameness, which both Jonas and the old man regret. To be The Receiver is to be honored, but they do not have the power or influence to bring things back from Sameness to the way they were. As a second memory, the old man gives Jonas a memory of sunshine, he does not tell Jonas its name, but once again Jonas perceives it. Before Jonas leaves, he asks why the Chief Elder warned him about pain. The man says that he learned from his failure, but Jonas says that he is brave, so the old man returns to the memory of sunshine but adds the memory of sunburn. Jonas thanks him for the experience and says he understands better about the concept of pain. Before he returns home, he asks what to call the old man, since Jonas is now The Receiver, and the old man tells Jonas to call him The Giver.
I would like to respond to the following quote from page 85:
The man sighed. "I started you with memories of pleasure. My previous failure gave me the wisdom to do that."
 I would like to understand more about the previous failure. Mother said that the previous selected Receiver of Memory disappeared, and nobody saw her again. Why wasn´t she seen again and what happened to her? I wonder if the Giver had something to do with the failure, if he did anything wrong. In this quote he says that he is first giving Jonas pleasurable memories thanks to his last failure. Did the Giver first give painful memories to the last selected Receiver and did those memories influence her disappearance?
Another text to which I am eager to respond to is to the following from page 73:
Then she seemed to notice his discomfort and to realize its origin. No doors in the community were locked, ever. None that Jonas knew of, anyway. 
I was really startled by this text when I read it. I wonder why locks are not allowed in the community, except in the Receiver´s living place. The attendant tells Jonas that the doors are locked to ensure his privacy, nevertheless why can´t the rest of the community have its privacy? Why would the rulers avoid privacy? Is it because they want to know what is going on in others´ lives? I believe that the rulers do not promote privacy in the community because they are afraid that a citizen will do something he or she is not supposed to, such as disobeying to the rules or such as doing anything that will change the Sameness in the community in any way. 
In conclusion, these three chapters have probably been the most interesting and revealing chapters in the novel since we have discovered the tasks of the Giver and the Receiver. However, both of them must feel pain to transmit and receive a memory, since memories can be both pleasurable and painful. Many times the previous failure has been mentioned but it has not been revealed what happened to the subject, meaning her. In addition, we just discovered that privacy is avoided in the community for some specific reason. Many secret are hidden within and beyond this community which only the Receiver and the Giver are allowed to know and understand. 

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

"The Giver" Chapter 6-8

Finally the December Ceremony has arrived! Jonas and his family get ready to go to the event, they get to the ceremony and take a seat in the auditorium, except Jonas´ father who had to be with the other Nurturers. First, the Naming Ceremony starts, each newborn child receives his name except Gabe, who was given one year more of nurturing. Next, everyone performed the Ceremony of Loss for a family unit who lost their son Caleb, so the family was given a new newborn child named Caleb as well. After, the Ceremony of Ones through Eights takes place. Lily receives a new jacket and gets to stop wearing her ribbons. Finally, that´s it for the first day of the December Ceremony. The second day arrives and Jonas has mixed feelings, he is apprehensive, nervous and excited! His family unit gets to the ceremonies and takes its seats. First, the bicycles are given to the Nines, the Tens get their haircuts, and the Elevens get new clothes. Then, they have a midday break to have lunch. Jonas and Asher are nervously talking about what is awaiting them. Asher tells Jonas that if a citizen hates his assignment he is allowed to apply to go "Elsewhere", although Jonas believes it´s a myth. The elders would never make a mistake, even all the spouses are perfectly matched.

The midday break ends and the community goes back to the auditorium. The Twelves seat in order of their birth number, Jonas is 19. He sits beside Fiona and a classmate he did not like much, Pierre. The Chief Elder gives a little speech to the group of young people. She notes that, until now, differences were a bad thing. But today, differences are called out and used to decide each individual's future. Next, the assignments begin: Fish Hatchery Attendant, Birthmother, Instructor of Sixes. Then, it was Asher´s turn. The Chief Elder related funny anecdotes when Asher was a small child and he could not use language properly. He constantly said "smack" instead of "snack" and eventually he got smacked many times by his teachers; the crowd laughed. Anyways, Asher got Assistant Director of Recreation. The assignments continued, when the Chief Elder got to Fiona who was number 18, Jonas got nervous since his turn was next. Fiona got Caretaker of the Old. Jonas was getting prepared to get up and head to the stage, but the Chief Elder called out Pierre, number 20. Everyone notices and the crowd murmurs in confusion. Jonas was startled, he had been skipped, he was wondering what could he have done wrong. 
Jonas feels extremely ashamed for being skipped.

Finally, when all the Twelves received their assignments, the Chief Elder points out the fact that she skipped Jonas and apologizes. The community and Jonas as well accept her apology. She starts off with saying that Jonas has not been assigned, he has been selected. Neither the crowd or Jonas understood what she meant. She continues, and says that Jonas has been selected to be the next Receiver of Memory. Everyone gasps in surprise, since being The Receiver is the position with most honor in the community. The Chief Elder says that the current Receiver, an elder, will train the next one, Jonas. Jonas notices the Receiver, an old man with pale eyes such as Jonas, sitting with the Committee of Elders. The Chief Elder continues and starts listing all the qualities required to have to be the Receiver, which of course Jonas has: intelligence, integrity, courage (she mentioned that he will feel physical pain), and wisdom (which he does not have yet, but he will acquire). Finally, she mentions the most important quality, which is the capacity to see beyond. Jonas is about to object that and explain that he does not have that capacity, but instantly he looks back to the crowd and sees them change such as what he saw that happened to the apple. So, he tells the Chief Elder that yes, he believes that he does have that capacity. Finally, the crowd starts cheering his name, first with a murmur and then very loudly and clearly. Jonas is proud and fearful for what is to come. 

He was left alone in the stage while the crowd his name, he was feeling proud yet fearful.


A text I would like to respond to is the following text which was mentioned in chapter 8;

"We failed in our last selection," the Chief Elder said solemnly. "It was ten years ago, when Jonas was just a toddler. I will not dwell on the experience because it causes us all terrible discomfort."

When I read this I felt startled and disturbed. All along the book it´s said the Committee of Elders never make mistakes referring to giving positions and assignments. However, it seems that they made a mistake ten years ago choosing The Receiver. I wonder why they made this mistake? Where did the selected individual go, was he released, or did he go to another community? Also, did something really unwanted happen referring to this selection, since it causes discomfort in the community?

Another text which called my attention was the following; 

"But the Receiver-in-training cannot be observed, cannot be modified. That is stated quite clearly in the rules. He is to be alone, apart, while he is prepared by the current Receiver for the job which is the most honored in our community." 

I question what does the Chief Elder mean with modified? I have mixed feelings towards this phrase, I would not like to be alone and apart from my family. Why does the Receiver have to be alone? I would mind such a solitary life, apart from the community. However, it is a position of great honor and the whole community is proud of him, So, what does the Receiver do? What is his job? I think that many painful yet adventurous events await Jonas. 


The December Ceremony seems to be a very fun ceremony since all the children in the community receive something special. Nevertheless, secrets lay within the community which only the rulers know about. For example, the capacity to see beyond is a capacity that no one can understand not even the rulers, but the Receiver can. "Why is that?," I believe is the question on all of our minds. Also, we have not found out yet why the Receiver is so important and what is his job. I believe that probably he is the individual who keeps all the secrets safe. I am starting to realize that this community is completely different from the communities in which we live in, so many things and feelings in Jonas´ community have to be kept  away for some reason. 

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

"The Giver" Chapters 1-5


The Giver is an amazing and interesting book from what I have read the first five chapters. They give an introduction about the theme of the book and the structure and organization of the community. Jonas, the protagonist who is an Eleven soon to be a Twelve is introduced by trying to describe his feelings, regarding the upcoming ceremony of Twelve, since he would be given his assignment. Anyway, thinking about his feelings he remembers about a time a year ago when a jet flew over the community and he felt frightened, in which the pilot was released. Finally, he decided he was feeling apprehensive. When he got home his family unit performed the night ritual which is a ritual in which each family member describes his or her feelings. Its explained that Jonas has a sister Lily, and that his father is a Nurturer and his mother is a judge of law. His father confesses on peeking a baby´s name who he was nurturing because he was not growing well. So, he thought that if he called him by his name, the baby will feel in a safer environment and in comfort zone; his name was Gabriel but Father called him Gabe.  Father has broken two rules; peeking Gabe´s name and teaching his little sister when he was young how to ride a bicycle before she turned nine, which was prohibited. Father and Mother comforted Jonas about the situation, they assured him that the Committee of Elders will give him a great assignment.After, Lily appears ready to go to bed demanding her comfort object which is a stuffed animal; an elephant. Father brings Gabe home during the nights to take good care of him. Jonas notices that unlike the rest of the community, Gabe and Jonas have a main characteristic in common, they both have light eyes. Instead, the rest of the community has dark eyes. Lily points out that they both have funny eyes, but she gets called attention because it is considered rude to point out another citizen´s difference. Lily is happily intrigued with the new baby, she mentions that she would like to be a birth mother when she grows up. But, her mother tells her that it is a position of terrible honor, and that after they have 3 babies in 3 years and get pampered, they become laborers for the rest of their lives. Jonas remembers when a message was communicated trough the speakers of the community directed to him about not taking food home, since he had taken an apple home. Nevertheless, he took it home because while playing catch with his best friend Asher using the apple as the object, Jonas realized that while the apple flew across the air it changed in a way he could not describe. But, on a closer look it was the same shape and size. Anyway, a couple of days after Father brought Gabe home, Jonas was trying to decide where to do his volunteer hours. Jonas really likes volunteer hours because he feels he has freedom and also because the rest of the days hours are regulated. He notices Asher´s bicycle parked in the House of the Old. He goes inside and finds Asher and Fiona, a classmate he is fond of, in the bathing room.  Jonas bathed an elder named Larissa who related to him about that morning in which the Elders celebrated the release of an elder named Roberto. During Roberto´s release his life was related, there was a toast, speeches from friends and from him, and finally the moment he went through the door who no one knew for what it was. Finally, the next day Jonas wakes up and it is time for the morning ritual. The morning ritual is a ritual each family unit performs every morning to describe the dreams they had that night. Lily starts off with telling that she had a scary dream in which she was caught riding Mother´s bicycle. Then, Mother explains that she had a dream about being scolded about something she did not understand. Father states that he did not have any dreams. Finally, Jonas narrates that in his dream he had a desperate wanting feeling to bathe Fiona in the House of Old, however Fiona was laughing in disagreement. After he relates his dream, Mother tells him he got his first Stirrings, so she gave him pills that help the Stirrings go away.

Text Responses:

During these few chapters many situations and phrases have called my attention.
"There were only two occasions of release which were not punishment. Release of the elderly, which was a time of celebration for a life well and fully lived; and release of a newchild, which always brought a sense of what-could-we-have-done. This was especially troubling for the Nurturers, like Father, who felt they had failed somehow. But it happened very rarely." (7)

Release is described as a punishment of failure. Anyhow, it called my attention that when an elder is released it is very much celebrated, and when a newchild is released it is sad for the community. I wish I knew why the elders are released. What is required for an elder to be released? Does he have to be a certain age or does he need a requirement of a certain amount of positive accomplishments in his life? Then again, I inquire about the newchildren. Does something need to go wrong in their newborn children phase to be released? Do they have to have a certain problem to be released?
I have a desperate feeling about these two types of non-punishment releases. But especially, I am desperate to know where they are sent on the release, where are they taken. Also, on the punishment release I question what is the punishment. Is it going to some place very far away? Or is it being killed?

Another text to which I would like to respond to;
"Stirrings. He had heard the word before. He remembered that there was a reference to the Stirrings in the Book of Rules, though he didn´t remember what it said. And now and then the Speaker mentioned it. ATTENTION. A REMINDER THAT STIRRINGS MUST BE REPORTED IN ORDER FOR TREATMENT TO TAKE PLACE." (37)

From this reading, what I infer is that Stirrings are viewed as a terrible feeling or as a disease, since it requires treatment. It is very much understood that the treatment is the pills for the Stirrings to go away. But what most calls my attention is that they have to remind the community, to tell them over the speakers. I believe there must be a specific reason to remind the community often to take pills so that Stirrings go away. Meaning that Stirrings are harmful in some way. Why is it so important for the rulers or governors to keep their citizens away from Stirrings? Can Stirrings affect the community in a negative way?
This is the event where an elder is released.

Final thoughts: 

This community in which they live in is extremely regulated, strict, and potentially equal. It is rude and disrespectful to point out somebody else´s differences or to joke about being released. When a citizen  breaks a rule a certain amount of times or commits a terrible action, he is released. Nevertheless, the release of elders and newchildren is not considered a punishment. Another disturbing event is that while Jonas was playing catch with an apple, while it was in the air it changed in a way hard to describe. Also, it is extremely important to keep Stirrings away, which we do not know why. I believe that soon in the next few chapters a secret of the community will be revealed, and Jonas will be involved. A secret which first of all reveals the unknown world of animals, but also reveals the importance of feelings. Feelings have definitely something to do with the bizarre way the community is.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Control of Governments Over Citizens

In some cases, governments have too much control over citizens which leads to unwanted events such as fights and civil wars. In other cases, governments have no control over citizens which leads to a disorganized society which can cause political and economic issues. Governments should establish the laws that the citizens are required to follow. But, they should give citizens their freedom in property, family, travelling, business, and such as. Governments should control education, laws, crimes, and safety of the society; meaning the public categories. But, they should not interfere in one´s  personal life. They should give insurance, security, rights, and freedom to their citizens but stay away from their lifestyle and their way of thinking.

The movie, The Truman Show is a great supportive example about the control of governments. In the Truman Show the creator, Cristof, creates a fake world in which Truman is raised, he creates an arena which imitates the real world. During Truman´s life, Cristof films every step Truman takes, every action he makes, and every reaction he has. He does this because he wants to show the world the real reactions and emotions of Truman, he wants to give inspiration to the world, since he created many fake events in Truman´s life to make it more interesting. In this case, Cristof is the government. Anyway, Cristof mentioned that he created a world for Truman where there´s nothing to fear. He took a wrong step by giving Truman a life where there´s nothing to fear, no human should be real in a fake world. The right of Truman to live in the real world with real people should never have been taken away from him. Truman should have the right to make his own choices in life, no matter if they are right or wrong.

In conclusion, governments should give the opportunity to citizens to make their own choices and choose their way of living and thinking. Governments are not established to make choices for us or to tell us how to think or live our lives. They are established to provide security and order to our society.