domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Control of Governments Over Citizens

In some cases, governments have too much control over citizens which leads to unwanted events such as fights and civil wars. In other cases, governments have no control over citizens which leads to a disorganized society which can cause political and economic issues. Governments should establish the laws that the citizens are required to follow. But, they should give citizens their freedom in property, family, travelling, business, and such as. Governments should control education, laws, crimes, and safety of the society; meaning the public categories. But, they should not interfere in one´s  personal life. They should give insurance, security, rights, and freedom to their citizens but stay away from their lifestyle and their way of thinking.

The movie, The Truman Show is a great supportive example about the control of governments. In the Truman Show the creator, Cristof, creates a fake world in which Truman is raised, he creates an arena which imitates the real world. During Truman´s life, Cristof films every step Truman takes, every action he makes, and every reaction he has. He does this because he wants to show the world the real reactions and emotions of Truman, he wants to give inspiration to the world, since he created many fake events in Truman´s life to make it more interesting. In this case, Cristof is the government. Anyway, Cristof mentioned that he created a world for Truman where there´s nothing to fear. He took a wrong step by giving Truman a life where there´s nothing to fear, no human should be real in a fake world. The right of Truman to live in the real world with real people should never have been taken away from him. Truman should have the right to make his own choices in life, no matter if they are right or wrong.

In conclusion, governments should give the opportunity to citizens to make their own choices and choose their way of living and thinking. Governments are not established to make choices for us or to tell us how to think or live our lives. They are established to provide security and order to our society.