domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015


Complex life. A lot of pain and problems. However, filled with love, laughter, and happy moments.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015



I´ve always liked and have been bossy. Aside from ordering people around and controlling everything and everyone around me, I like to see the effectiveness and impact of doing such things. That means being a leader. I like when people do what I say and listen to me, and I like organizing events or projects. Throughout my young life, at school, my classmates have many times asked me to be their partner, and in group projects in most occasions I´m chosen as the group leader. I am a perfectionist and I´m self-demanding, I like everything to be perfectly organized, and with no flaws. If there are flaws, then I learn from them, although I hate them. I love and appreciate the trust people have in me, the credibility, which makes me feel confident. When I organize something, I have everyone working with me and following my ideas and instructions, the impact it has is extremely important for me. The effectiveness of my leadership keeps me going on. However, being a leader also implies having "followers" who trust their leader, if not they wouldn´t be following him or her. And it also implies listening to others´ ideas and accepting critiques, which is very hard for me though. Leading a group makes me happy. It makes me strong. It makes me confident. 


I love being a child. Being an adult, implies so many responsibilities, and if such are not fulfilled there are consequences, well the same happens with being a child. For example, going to school. When I don´t go to school, which is a lot, I miss important information and content of the current subjects, then the next day I need to use most of  my time that I use to do my hobbies for catching up. Looking through my life, I think I´ve done a good job at being a CHILD. Except that I question myself too much, like an adult. But I´ve never gotten ahead of myself or my age, and have taken advantage of each second of being a child, although one day I woke up and realized I was a teenager. In my family, I´ve always been the center of attention and really pampered. Throughout my childhood, I´ve had fun at school with my friends, and at home with my family. My family context has been comforting and cozy, of course I´ve had several bumps. I have plenty of hobbies and I love what I do. I love school. I love playing the piano, singing, dancing, playing basketball, tennis, running, hiking, biking, swimming, learning other languages, and plenty more. Childhood and adolescence is a phase of learning; apprenticeship. I´ve learned a lot, and I´m still learning. I´ve learned about making decisions, and making mistakes, choosing friends, knowing what to do in different circumstances, manners,  and opinions. Growing up I´ve developed different opinions on different aspects of life. The problem with me, however, is that I´ve never accepted and liked the idea of growing up, and I´ve never wanted to grow up, and I still don´t. I have always wanted to stay a child. 


Being a student has its fun parts and its responsibilities. I enjoy being a student. I´ve always loved learning new subjects, specially math and history. I like what we do at school as well; work. I´m an extremely hyperactive person who can´t stay still. So, I love doing several things, I love working! I like most of the work we do at school, such as writing: a great way to express my feelings and ideas. Being a student has taught me to use my time wisely. Since I can´t focus on one thing at a time except if I love it, sometimes I take a long time to finish my work. However, the  requirements and obligations of turning work on time has helped me use my time properly and wisely, and my concentration has improved as well. School has also taught me that I need to fulfill my responsibilities and if I don´t, accept the consequences. For example, if I don´t give my work in the day it´s due, then it will be graded on a lower grade. I´ve also learned that I need to do things by myself, no one else will do them for me. Since, I am really pampered, many times I´ve thought that my mom can do things for me, like make my bed or pick up my clothes. But the work that school requires, the only person who can do it is me. So, I´ve started to assume my obligations. Learning is one of my favorite things to do, being a student has exposed me to a whole new world of knowledge. 

My ABC´s

Arle: a beautiful antique town in France I visited with my cousins
Bubble bath with my cousins when we were 3 years old (which was hilarious)
Cast on my foot: last year I jumped off a 3 meter wall
Daniela: my best friend who I met in 5th grade 
Emerald Pool: day trip at summer camp in Maine with my bunk mates
Family´s huge party: my extended family had a huge reunion when I was in 3rd grade
Go-kart accident: I had an accident on a go-kart and was taken to the emergency room in the hospital
Horse bite on the waist: 2 years ago in my farm a horse bit me in the waist and it was very painful
Islands in Galapagos with my mom´s friend and her daughter 
Jungle with my mom and one of my best friends, Rebecca, last year 
Kamp Kohut: summer camp the last two years, one of the most amazing places I´ve ever been 
Lost from my grandpa in a train on its way to Paris, one of the scariest experiences
Maine lobster restaurant: on our way to camp we had dinner on a restaurant of fresh Maine lobsters
Namaste: the first and only time I did yoga with my cousin (very relaxing)
Osbourne family show: one of the weirdest shows I´ve ever watched 
Papu: my favorite person in the whole wide world (my grandpa) 
Quito´s bullfights 4 years ago: the first time I went to a bullfight and it was awesome
Rafting last year in the amazon with my mom and one of my best friends, Rebecca 
Summer: my favorite time in the year!
Tooth falling for the first time: it was one of my front teeth when I was 4 years old
Umbrella incident:I stuck an umbrella inside my mouth, I was in so much pain, and it hurt my mouth
Vacation in Mallorca visiting my mom´s friend, her daughter, and husband
Water balloons mischief: my cousins and I threw water balloons at people, and the police came!
Xmas vacation at Belize 
Yearbook picture in Prekinder: a friend was dressed as Galo Plaza, and me as his wife (so funny)
Zoo visit in NYC with my cousin